Well I am finally home to stay awhile much to the delight of the girls. Its tag team here however as my DH left this morning for the first of two trips with his work.
Market was wonderful in Sydney over the weekend albeit a little slow and quiet. Wonderful to catch up with not only friends and my store customers but also other like minded passionate and very fun designers.
It was great to meet (for just a minute or two) the lovely Natalie at her first show - I hope to get to know her better, you would all probably know her as she has been around for some time, I have just never been close enough to meet her. I also met Lisa from Megelly bears- and I have to admit not being a bear maker did not know her bears but look at her blog, they are gorgeous, to die for bears. I had the chance to really talk to many as 'everyone' wanted to sit at my table to colour a free boobie button - yes, they were a hit! and I ran out by Sunday lunch time but I am sure you will see them in your local stores soon.... its so refreshing taking grown women back to their childhood and watching them really get absorbed in colouring in the lines.... silly me however, did not get my camera out so I have no pics to show you of either the booth or boobie button colouring this time.
On the Saturday night this year the organisers arranged a dinner to present the inaugural Quilt Industry awards. I did have my camera there to take a quick snap of Australia's best quilt fabric rep (well it was actually QLD title but we all know she's Australia's best) and she really does deserve this title with all the extra effort she puts into her job. Congratulations Di.
and do you think we could stop Lilian talking after she won a most unexpected award for Tasmania's best merchandised store. Well done Esmes...
I can show you what I finished Wednesday morning before leaving after a marathon quilting effort on little Bernie. 6 hours Monday, 14 hours straight on Tuesday and she was ready for binding. Now I have to write up the patterns and shop kit so if I am absent for a little while again I have my fingers glued to the keyboard and my head pointing towards the monitor....
Presenting - Neenie's Garden

It will be on the website with local store listings very soon
hugs, Helen
Neenie's Garden is beautiful Helen, and the 14-hour quilting stint was well worth it. Well done you! It was great to meet up with you.
cheers, Kate.
Thanks Helen for taking the photo of me and for your lovely words. I really appreciate it. Neenie's Garden looks lovely.
Yes Helen, I have finally entered the world of the blog! Neenie's Garden is just beautiful, I wish you every success with it!
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